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Oakdale Aquatics swimmers and coaches during practice
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Introductory & Beginner Level Lessons

Lessons are 1 week long, 30 minute long sessions running five days a week. This teaches swimmers the basics of floating and kicking. At this level there is a 2:1 swimmer to coach ratio, so each swimmer is getting direct help


Practice Groups

Lessons | Summer

Coaches: Leah and Hannah

Monday - Friday
Session 1: 4:30-5:00
Session 2: 5:00-5:30
Cost: $80 per week
Oakdale Aquatics pool with all of the lane lines in.

We Emphasize The Step-By-Step Coaching Process

The pool deck is our classroom with practices are our “lectures”/lessons. Athletes will learn the absolute basic swimming fundamentals of breath control, kicking, stroke work, and proper demonstration of listening to coaches before moving to more technical elements of the sport.


In Gators specifically, our goal is to get athletes ready and able to move into our competitive swim program, Gold, to further explore the sport.

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